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5 Jazzy St. Clare mysteries solved

Urban Fantasy Short Story Winners

Okay, first, here’s a brand new trailer from the ever-spectacular folks over at

Can’t watch the video? Click here to see it on YouTube.

Now, back to the mysteries of Jazzy St. Clare:

Did you know that there actually was a real-life Saint Clare? Me either, until recently. Some other things you didn’t know about this story:

1) The original title was “The Case of the Missing Mummy”. Accurate, but not as catchy.

2) The sound effect of the lioness’s hiss is actually a recording of an air leak. Listen closely and you’ll hear it.

3) I used the same swing music from The Case of the Green-Eyed Werewolf to give Jazzy a theme song. Because every good detective needs a theme song.

4) My ever-creative wife came up with Jazzy St. Clare’s name — and she names most of my characters. Which is good, because I tend to come up with names like Agatha Whistlethorpe. And “Jazzy” is just so much cooler.

5) The Case of Mummy’s Secret is a 2013 Litquake winner. Yay! Okay, so, you’ve probably heard me crowing about that before. But I’m just tickled pink whenever I win an actual hard American cash prize for one of my stories. I dunno, maybe I got one too many “certificates of participation” as a kid.

Now, back to you.

What are you curious to see next from Jazzy St. Clare? Want to see her solve a vampire case … explore the Black Lagoon … go heel-to-heel against Spring-Heeled Jack? Now’s your chance to chime in. Leave me a comment or email me.

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