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Laurence learned to write from an African storyteller, sold his first magazine article at age 19, and has been a full-time writer for more than a decade. His magazine articles on writing have appeared in Writers’ Forum (UK), Writer’s Journal, and on countless writing websites. He has taught workshops to hundreds of aspiring writers and is a sought-after speaker at writing conferences, book festivals, and conventions. For booking inquiries or to have Laurence speak at your event, please contact the author.

Create Characters in 60 Seconds

Compelling characters bring your story to life. But creating them (even for a book series) doesn’t need to take a ton of time and effort. In this workshop, you’ll master a proven four-step method for creating fascinating characters in one minute.

While simple to execute, this method goes far deeper than simply a name and physical appearance. You’ll learn how to instantly create a new character’s temperament, deeper motivations, and relationships with other characters in your story.

Plus, you’ll discover bonus list-making techniques that can provide you with endless options for creating engaging characters on the fly.

Once you’ve learned the basics, you’ll have the opportunity to practice this 60-second technique with your friends, participate in a character-building challenge, and create new characters for your own novel.

You’ll leave with a tip sheet you can use every time you sit down to create a new character.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

How to Write Kick-Ass Action Scenes

Do you struggle with writing fight scenes or chases? Believe it or not, writing kick-ass action is easy—if you know how. In this workshop, you’ll learn the 6 secrets to writing action scenes that make your readers break out in a sweat.

You’ll also learn the number-one ingredient of suspenseful chase scenes (you must do this), how to reverse-engineer a gripping fight scene, and the 3 secrets to wrapping up any action scene with an unforgettable bang.

Plus, you’ll learn handy brainstorming and outlining techniques that unlock fresh new ideas for action scenes that keep your readers guessing. You’ll leave with a detailed outline you can use to write fist fights, car chases, or any kind of physical conflict.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

How to Create Bloodcurdling Monsters

Science fiction, fantasy and horror stories are full of monsters. One of a writer’s toughest jobs is creating creatures that are both gripping and original. In this workshop, you’ll master the seven secrets to writing truly unforgettable monsters.

Plus, you’ll find out how to write breathtaking monster fight scenes, how to make your monster perfectly fit your setting, and five ways to paint a vivid mental picture of your monster in the reader’s mind. You’ll also discover the three universal monster origin stories and how to put a brand-new spin on each.

You’ll leave with a handy question-and-answer worksheet you can use over and over again to keep making monsters that will have your readers turning pages.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

9 Ways to Double Your Writing Speed

What if you could write twice as fast as you ever thought possible?

Discover the nine speedy techniques used by professional authors who write multiple books per year. In this class, you’ll discover tried-and-true methods that working authors use to write thousands of words every day.

You’ll master the techniques of blocking out distractions, focusing your creativity, and boosting your word count. You’ll also find out how to recapture “wasted” time and use it to plan your next chapter.

You’ll leave with multiple techniques you can put into place immediately to double your writing speed virtually overnight. You could finish your novel in half the time — or even faster.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

Unforgettable Characters in 6 Easy Steps

Readers will pick up your book because of the concept, but they’ll keep reading because of the characters. In this workshop, you’ll learn the six easiest ways to create fully fleshed-out, three-dimensional characters right from the first page.

You’ll also learn the three questions you must answer about a character’s backstory, and the five often-overlooked ways to describe a character. Plus, you’ll learn how to zero-in on a character’s personality type, how to connect a character’s goal and motivation directly to the spine of your story, and how to surround a character with deep, meaningful relationships that make your book come alive.

You’ll leave with a handy worksheet outlining the six steps you need to take to make every one of your characters unique and memorable.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

Pitch Your Novel Like a Pro

When you pitch your novel face-to-face to an editor or literary agent, you need to know exactly what to do – and what mistakes to avoid.

Even if you’ve written the world’s greatest novel, no one will know it unless you can get someone to read it. In this class, you’ll learn the four universal elements of every successful book pitch.

You’ll also discover the one thing you should never, ever do in a pitch meeting. Plus, the secret to talking less, listening more, and making a lasting connection that could sell your book to a publisher.

You’ll leave with an easy-to-use formula for a log line that works for your novel — and it can double as your elevator pitch.

Even if you’ve never pitched before in your life, you can ace the pitch using the simple step-by-step techniques you’ll master in this class.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

The 6 Secrets to Sympathetic Characters

When readers feel sympathy for your characters, they will lose themselves completely in your writing. But that magic doesn’t happen by accident. In this workshop, you’ll learn the six specific techniques to make readers root for your characters.

We’ll cover what “Save the Cat” really means, three ways to use it correctly, and one deadly mistake that alienates readers. You’ll also learn the number-one trait shared by every sympathetic protagonist (your main character must have this).

Plus, you’ll learn the secret to generating empathy for any character before they even appear in your story.

Bonus: you’ll also learn how to invert these aspects to build the perfect villain, a worthwhile antagonist that your readers will love to hate.

You’ll leave with a handy checklist covering the six keys to making readers feel sympathy for your characters.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

How To Write A Synopsis the Quick and Easy Way

If you’ve ever tried to write a synopsis, you know that it’s anything but quick and easy. Or is it? In this class, you’ll discover a painless way to focus on your core story and get your synopsis done in record time—without any headaches.

This enlightening workshop breaks down the entire process into simple, easy-to-follow steps. You’ll master the four core elements of your plot, learn how to handle subplots with ease, and leave with a handy tip sheet packed with everything you need to write your synopsis the quick and easy way.

To book this workshop, contact the author.

Schedule a Writing Workshop